
FEB 10, 2020

I'm dealing with heavy feelings of failing this little one.

I feel like every week I have high hopes that I can balance working while providing her with the nurturing and encouragement she requires. It never happens. Which frankly, is a vicious cycle of constant disappointment in myself for not doing better. Most days I provide the bare minimum, feeding her and helping her go to the washroom.

I want to be so much more for her, but I literally can't be the professional, the cook, the teacher, the cleaner, the playmate etc. How do you do all that? How do you find the time in a day? I feel like I'm wasting this "extra" time we're getting together. I feel like I'm not teaching her enough to be adequately prepared to start school in September.

I'm exhausted. She's bored. Which creates irritability on both sides.

At the end of the day I'm pretty sure we're both just sad, which breaks my heart more than anything. That she's sad, and I'm probably the cause because I'm unable to give her what she deserves and needs throughout a day.