
JUNE 22, 2018

A few weeks ago I was reading a story on The Bump’s Instagram page. It was a pretty horrific birthing story and after reading it I thought "jeez, that would have terrified me if this was last year before giving birth." Which is an honest thought and one some other mom's shared and even a few "voiced" on this story/picture. Others of course didn't agree, which is perfectly fine, that's what an opinion is all about. What I 100% didn't agree with was the way some of these women chose to disagree with this mom's opinion. Calling her name's, telling her if she didn't like "real" life to go away.. basically her opinion didn't jive with their's so in their world it justified mistreating her with their words.

Mother's are the one group of people who should respect, support and try not to judge one another's varying opinions. Only mother's know how hard, how scary and how intimidating motherhood can be. To see this group of ladies being so disrespectful and outright bullying with words was so gutting. This could be a factor to why bullying in school is so rampant, we can't tell our children not to bully if we ourselves are bullying. Children do as they see, not as they're told. Everyone needs to be treated with kindness and respect, unless their an absolute dick then ok, kindness goes out the window!

Have you ever encountered online or offline bullying? How did you deal with it? Ignored it? Confronted? Have your children ever had to deal with it?