I don’t need to tell you all that winter is bleak as f*ck. It’s way too long, it’s way too cold, it’s way too dark… It makes enjoyment a little bit harder & more of an effort, right?

This year I decided to take back the control winter can have over my emotional psyche & make me a tiny lil “Winter Bucket List”. Noting extravagant, like say a tropical vacation, but small simple things. You all know me, I’m all about the simple things in life & how much joy that can bring to your day to day life. Also, winter is long so this list is fluid & can change, I’m sure I can find things to add to it as winter drags on, or meet people along the way that inspire me to add something else to the list.

Have you ever made a Winter Bucket List? What did you have on it?

Do you think my list will inspire you this winter to make your own list? What would you put on it?

Meg’s Winter Bucket List

Attend ROM After Dark.

Volunteer at an animal shelter – which I’ve already put the steps in motion & will be doing my volunteer job shadow in January!

Continuing Spin classes.

Getting routine facials – I’ve never had one in my life & have been wanting to get one for a few years now.

Attend a Toronto Symphony Orchestra show.

Get outside, in nature, to walk for at least one hour a week.

Take a creative writing class – which I couldn’t find anything in my area that was for adults or none College/University level classes, so compromise, I found a creative writing prompt book on Amazon. My kiddo will be giving me this on Christmas as a gift, mom life am I right? Buy your own gifts & act surprised when you open them. 🙈

Make daily meditation a priority.

Meet some of YOU! My sweet lil online friends who have been amazing sources of support, laughs & meaningful chats. Maybe ya wanna attend one of the “events” on my bucket list with me!