Who doesn’t love avocado toast, honestly.

Oh. You don’t? Well then get the hell out of here.

Kidding, sort of, this post is all about millennial’s favourite breakfast/snack and if you’re not a fan of toast or avocado then this post is not going to be for you.

Though I’ve fallen off this train in recent months, this is one of my fave and easiest breakfast options. Since I was enjoying it so often, I ended up getting some what creative in ways to make it. To me these creative ways seemed simple, but I was getting a lot of curiosity and questions from coworkers when prepping my toast in the office kitchen. I thought if I had interest from coworkers that there may be other people interested in ways to up their avocado toast game, especially now that we are in a New Year and everyone tries to eat healthier.

I’ve noted 5 of my favourite ways to enjoy my avocado toast in this post and hope one of them or all 5 get your morning started on the yummy and satisfying foot!

One key thing to remember is to get the right kind of bread. for your toast. My fave brand of bread is Stonemill Slow Crafted Multigrain Sourdough Rye Bread, it makes the best base for your avocado toast!

1.) Spicy Turmeric Avocado Toast.

The. Easiest.

It’s just smashed avocado, green or red onion (whichever you favour) and then you add salt, pepper, turmeric and the spicy part of this combination is good ol’ cayenne pepper. You add the seasoning to your taste liking, no measurements here! I also like to top this toast with hemp hearts and pepita seeds! When I don’t have pepita seeds I’ll throw sunflower seeds on top.


2.) Sautéed Mushroom and Onion Avocado Toast.

If you are a loyal follower, you’ll know my absolute love affair with sautéed mushrooms, so not a shock that on weekends when I have a little more time for prepping breakfast that I sauté some mushrooms and onions to put on top of my avocado toast. If you are looking for a little more flavour add garlic spice, turmeric and even cayenne pepper to the mushroom and onions while they sauté. I also like to sometimes add Montreal steak spice too! Again no measurements here, all on how much you want on top of your avocado toast and how much spice depends on how much flavour you’re looking for.


3.) Radish Avocado Toast.

Ok I can’t take full credit for “inventing” this one, my girl Shannon at Home Grown Provisions shared this one. I like to slice the radishes super thinly to place on top of the avocado. I top my avocado first with my usual spices, salt, pepper, onion and cayenne. Then I put the radishes on top. Yummo! The radish add a crunch to your toast and a little bit of extra spiciness too. I’ll even skip the cayenne because it can be a bit too spicy for my digestion that early in the day.


4.) Feta Avocado Toast.

I used to eat this one a lot before cutting dairy out of my daily diet. I loved the saltiness of the feta cheese sprinkled on top of the avocado toast. Again for this one I’d top the toast with some pepita seeds or sunflower seeds and hemp hearts! Nom, nom.


5.) Fried Egg Avocado Toast.

It’s like an open face egg sandwich, perfect easy Sunday breaky. It seems all fancy and so something you’d order at a restaurant during brunch. The beauty is you don’t have to change out of our PJ’s for this fancy brunch or brush your hair! *high five*
